An Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta in 1968. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Indonesia and a Master’s degree in Management from IPMI International Business School.
He was appointed as the President Commissioner of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta (MLJ) based on the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) held on May 19, 2022, as stated in the Deed of Statement of Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta Number 33, dated May 19, 2022, drawn up by Stephanie Wilamarta, S.H., a Notary in Jakarta.
He currently also serves as the President Director of PT Astra Tol Nusantara and PT Astra Nusa Perdana, as well as the President Commissioner of PT Lintas Marga Sedaya, PT Marga Harjaya Infrastruktur, PT Pelabuhan Penajam Buana Taka, PT Baskhara Arya Sejahtera, PT Indonesia Network, and PT Marga Mandalasakti.
Previously, he served as President Director of PT Serasi Autoraya (2014–2022) and Finance Director of PT Astra Honda Motor (2007–2014).

An Indonesian citizen, born in Tanjung Karang, Lampung, in 1969. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering & Planning from Trisakti University, Jakarta.
He currently serves as a Commissioner of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta, based on Notarial Deed Number 04, dated October 22, 2024, issued by Rina Utami Djauhari, S.H., a Notary domiciled in Jakarta. Previously, he served as an Independent Commissioner of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta (May 2023 – October 2024).
He has also been serving as the Director of PT Musi Lintas Permata since 2012. Prior to that, he worked as an entrepreneur in the coal mining industry (2010–2012), served as Director of PT Hamita (2006–2010), and was an entrepreneur, holding Director positions in several construction companies in the agriculture and plantation sectors from 1992 to 2005.

An Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta in 1972. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from STIE Mulia Pratama, Jakarta.
He currently serves as an Independent Commissioner of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta, based on Notarial Deed Number 04, dated October 22, 2024, issued by Rina Utami Djauhari, S.H., a Notary domiciled in Jakarta.
Previously, he served as a Government Expert Staff Member at the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) (2014–2024), Secretary of Advocates & Legal Consultant at LASKAR (Lembaga Advokasi Hukum Indonesia Raya) (2010–2013), and held several other positions.