PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta Achieves ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System Certification

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Jakarta (29/08) – As part of its commitment to implementing good corporate governance and supporting efforts to prevent corruption, PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta (MLJ) has committed to implementing ISO 37001:2016 for its Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS). This certification is a key step for MLJ and its shareholders in establishing strong compliance within the company.

The implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS), which is integrated with the company’s existing management system, is designed to establish, implement, and enhance compliance programs. The system works to identify, prevent, and detect potential bribery throughout the company’s business processes.

MLJ undertook the phased implementation of ISO ABMS. In 2023, Phase 1 (preparation) was completed, including the appointment of the Anti-Bribery Compliance Unit and the internal audit on December 27 and 28, 2023, to ensure all business processes were in line with procedures.

In 2024, MLJ moved on to Phase 2 (Certification) by appointing PT British Standard Institution (BSI) Group Indonesia as the certifying body. The certification process involved two audit stages on June 3, 2024, and June 24 and 25, 2024. Based on the audit results, MLJ was deemed to have met all the ISO 37001:2016 clauses and was awarded the Anti-Bribery Management System ISO 37001:2016 Certificate with Certificate Number IABMS 810607.

The certificate was officially handed over by Nolia Natalia, Country Manager of PT BSI Group Indonesia, to Ari Wibowo, President Director of PT Marga Lingkar Jakarta, during MLJ’s 15th-anniversary celebration. With this certification, MLJ reaffirms its commitment to continuously developing, implementing, and improving its compliance programs to identify, prevent, and detect potential bribery in all its activities.